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 natural hair extensions

Crowned beauty straight bundles will forever remain a classic. When bone straight our bundles really reveal its true quality, that not many can compare to. While it is a bit harder to hold a curl with our straight bundles due to the softness with the proper holding spray and curling technique your curls can easily last 2-3 days with little to no touch up. our bundles resemble silk. so soft, thick all the way through, naturally shinny and full of body. it’s easily crowned your favorite ... your go to bundles.

Our deep wave bundles are also another classic rather your vacation ready or want to add a little texture to your install this is the perfect hair for both. Our deep wave hair is the perfect wave pattern almost curly without as much volume and wavy enough to give off the perfect exotic look.


Girls love curls. Our curly bundles are pure bliss the curl pattern when wet is mesmerizing. And also remains flawless when dry. This hair is dedicated to my women who love the exotic bold looks unlike our deep wave hair the curly hair texture tends to become more voluminous as it dries.

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